Latest scientists research on replacement of root canal treatment ?


Want to avoid a root canal? In the future, you may be able to opt for tissue regeneration. Researchers are testing a new technology to more effectively treat endodontic disease through tissue regeneration instead of root canal therapy. Because this technology promotes the creation of a type of stem cell that can differentiate into dentin (tooth), bone, cartilage or fat, it has huge potential for the field of regenerative medicine beyond the tissues in teeth.

Scientists at ADA Forsyth are testing new technology to more effectively treat endodontic disease (disease of the soft tissues or pulp of your teeth). The study, "RvE1 Promotes Axin2+Cell Regeneration and Reduces Bacterial Invasion," published in The Journal of Dental Research, demonstrates the regenerative properties of resolvins, specifically Resolvin E1 (RvE1), when applied to the dental pulp.

"Root canal therapy (RCT) is effective, but it has some problems because you remove significant parts of the dentin and the tooth dries out, which leads to a greater risk of fracture. Our goal is to come up with a method to regenerate the pulp instead of filling the root canal with an inert material.

The study applied RvE1 to different levels of infected and damaged marrow to investigate its regenerative and anti-inflammatory abilities.

There were two main findings. First, they showed that RvE1 is very effective in promoting pulp regeneration when used to directly overlay vital or living pulp (replicating conditions of reversible pulpitis). They were also able to identify a specific mechanism promoting tissue regeneration.

Second, the researchers found that placing RvE1 on exposed and heavily infected and necrotic marrow did not facilitate regeneration.

However, this treatment effectively slowed the rate of infection and treated the inflammation, preventing the periapical lesions (abscesses) that usually occur with this type of infection.

Previous publications have shown that if the infected root canal is cleared prior to RvE1 treatment, pulp regeneration occurs.

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