How to fight sugar cravings?


Sugar craving is commonly seen in all age groups from children to adults. It is not a abnormal thing to crave sugar and you are not alone but the thing is how often you are limiting your sugar craving. 

Eating so much sugar which is no more protein and having nothing vitamins in it will immediately  boosts your energy and your brain send signals " Once more please". Researchers have reported that on daily basis women take up to 6 tsp of sugar and men 9tsp of sugar.

There are some basic steps to remember for controlling sugar craving:

1.take only little serve of sugars. About up to 150kcal is the enough. If you have more than that preferably share it with your people. As of you know sharing is caring. 

2. Eat fruits. We know fruits are natural sweeteners from nature.  It will give you nutrients along with sweetness. Enjoy fruit salad with health benefits. 

3. Grab chewing gums. Gums are two types as we previously mentioned about gums in our smile dental blog. Visit us to know more details about gums.

4.Mixed food. Combine your junk or sugar foods with nutrient foods. For example like if you like chocolate syrup or nutella try to mix it with any fruits or Nutritious food. Then it will add you some health benefits in your bowl

5. Get up and train to change your mind. If you have repeated craving of sugar then train your brain or try to distract yourself in some other work. 

6.quality is more important than quantity. Choose small bite of dark chocolate instead of big candy bars.  

7.Eating regularly can make you not thinking about cravings and junk food. Preferably eat food regularly for 2 to 3 hours in small meal a day. 

8. Reward yourself for managing your craving for one time whether it's small or big. Make a goal why are you doing all this like for your health or for your fitness. 

9.Get support. It is not a shameful thing to hesitate support from others. It is a natural phenomenon of body to crave foods particularly in emotional disturbances. Then take support from your friends or family other than depending on food. 

10. Skip artificial sweeteners.

Lastly but not lately go easy on yourself. Confidence is the key for any success. Whether you are having a goal to control sugar craving even though it sounds like small thing to even think.. But don't  give up try and first make yourself healthy then your family too.


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