Am i too old to have my wisdom tooth removal?


 Have you ever thought if it’s ever too late to get your wisdom teeth removed? If you’ve reached a certain age and are considering getting rid of this third set of molars, then the answer might surprise you! It’s never too late to have your wisdom teeth extracted – even if you’re in your 30s, 40s, or beyond. In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential risks and benefits of having your wisdom teeth removed at any age.

Why Do We Remove Wisdom Teeth?:

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that some people get in their late teens or early twenties. While wisdom teeth often cause problems when they partially erupt, become impacted, or crowd other teeth. This can lead to a host of issues such as gum disease, infection, and other forms of tooth decay. To avoid these problems, many people choose to have their wisdom teeth extracted.

 Am I Too Old To Have My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

 It’s never too late to have your wisdom teeth removed, although the procedure comes with increased risks at older ages. People who are in their 30s and 40s are more likely to have underlying medical conditions that could complicate the extraction process – such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Furthermore, as we age, our bones become more brittle, and this can make it difficult to extract wisdom teeth without causing an injury. For these reasons, it’s important to speak with your dentist or oral surgeon before getting your wisdom teeth removed.

Understanding the Procedure

If you decide to get your Wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to understand the procedure and the potential risks associated with it. During wisdom tooth extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon:

Makes an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone

Removes bone that blocks access to the tooth root

Divides the tooth into sections if it’s easier to remove in pieces

Removes the tooth

Cleans the site of the removed tooth of any debris from the tooth or bone

Stitches the wound closed to promote healing, though this isn’t always necessary

Places gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding and to help a blood clot.

Make an Appointment with Smile Dental;

Our experienced team is well-versed in this procedure and can provide you with the best possible care. We’re here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about getting your wisdom teeth removed at any age! Contact us today for more information.


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