7 Fun ways to teach your kids how to brush their teeth?


Little ones aren't born knowing how to handle a tooth brush. It's something need to be learned by practice over the time in order to effectively remove plaque and keep their teeth and gums healthy. Yet for adults, its easy to take knowing how to brush your teeth for granted and it can seem suprising ly tough to show another person how to do it properly. These are 7 most wanted things to remember while teaching your kids how to brush their teeth.


1.Start by brushing kids teeth for them. young children don't have the fine motor skills necessary to brush and floss their teeth effectively. Start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as the first teeth erupts using a soft and infant sized tooth brush and with a tiny smear of fluoride tooth brush and no longer than a grain of rice

2.Demonstrate on yourself; To your kids on how to brush your own teeth in front of them using good brushing technique. Again tell kids what your doing and why you are doing all this and keep them in positive and fun way.

3.let's kids try brushing their teeth on their own; Once your toddler or preschooler is able to hold the tooth brush on their own teeth in front of a mirror and we also recommended parents supervise teeth brushing until children are around seven years of age. kids who don't brush their tooth on their own at all will have a harder time picking up the technique when  they are older,

4. Use the correct tools. Use a children's tooth brush and tasty and kids friendly toothpaste this will help long way in helping kids learn to brush their teeth. Asides from a children's tooth brush and tooth paste, consider a tooth brush timer app. Tooth brushing timer app makes things easier because its alert kids when their 2minutes of brushing is up.

5.Watch teeth brushing videos of kids.

6.Brush your teeth together with your kids.

7.Practice brushing on stuffed animal toys  or an DIY teeth.


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