Peg Teeth / Dracula Teeth!

#Peg lateral incisors also known as ‘#Dracula Teeth’ describes a condition where the second tooth on either side of the front teeth #does not develop correctly and is #small, often pointed, and looks like a #cone. Mostly found present on either side of upper front teeth. #Sometimes they are also found on #either side of lower front teeth.

#Furthermore, in few patients the #permanent adult incisors do not #develop and they are left with only #baby #teeth in their place. However the actual peg lateral incisors result when an #underdeveloped adult tooth #emerges once the baby tooth falls #out.

Pegged teeth may be an indication of Hutchinson teeth which may form in congenital syphilis when the baby is in-utero, Williams Syndrome and Ectodermal Dysplasia are also some of the potential causes of pegged teeth.

If you or your child suffers from this, it is better to consult with your dentist. They may recommend you seeing a Prosthodontist [they specialize in restoring / replacing missing teeth with natural and aesthetically pleasing methods like crowns, veneers, bridges and partial dentures and so on].

So as to say, as your upper lateral incisors play an important role in the appearance of a perfect smile, peg lateral incisors receive a lot of attention. A Prosthodontist will determine the best treatment for any tooth deformity and is uniquely qualified to restore a peg lateral incisor to giving you an aesthetically pleasing smile.


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