Oral care

Your oral care involves the education, treatment and over all maintenance of your teeth and gums. From daily brushing to annual dental cleanings, these tasks avoid gum disease, cavities and enamel wear, all of which might often lead to sensitivity of teeth.

Some tips for oral care-
• Start your kid’s dental care maintenance as soon as their first tooth comes out.
• Consult your dental care provider when your child turns six about whether he is a candidate for dental sealants. Kid’s first permanent molars come at around six years of age.
• Use a good fluoride-based toothpaste as it helps in preventing decay of teeth.
• Remember to brush your teeth twice daily and try to maintain a gap of around an hour or so before breakfast and after dinner. Master a proper brushing technique and it is best to consult your dentist or dental hygienist if you have any doubts regarding your oral care maintenance.
• Similarly change your toothbrush once every three to six months or when its bristles fray.
• Don’t skip flossing of teeth.
• Invest in a good anti-bacterial mouthwash recommended by your dental care provider.
• Use a xylitol containing sugar free chewing gum.
• Avoid smoking.
• Prevent any injury to teeth during accidents at sports or recreational activity by wearing a mouth guard.
• Eat smart by avoiding sugary and acidic food and beverages and going to healthier alternatives like crunchy nuts, fruits, vegetables and maintaining a well-balanced diet.
• Maintain your regular dental visit once every six months.


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