Dental x-rays are one of the diagnostic tools which helps your dental care provider to diagnose
the extent of damage and disease that is not visible during the regular dental examination.
Different types of dental x-rays can be taken by your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment
planning. Th
dentists to detect cavities, detect cancer, see the status of tooth root, health of bone around
tooth, check the status of developing teeth and monitor dental health.
e dental care providers will most commonly use peri-apical x-rays. These allow the
Occlusal, bite-wing, panoramic, tomograms, cephalometric projections, digital imaging, CT,
MRI, Digital Imaging are some of the other types of radiographs which your dentist will use.
Radiation exposure is pretty low for dental x-rays and it becomes even more less if your dental
office uses digital x-rays. However, it is best to consult your dentist if you have any concerns.
Your dental care provider may recommend you to get a radiograph once every one to two years
to keep your oral health in check.


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